Traditional steel grates or slats wear quickly and need to be replaced often. Slats made from copper typically last six to eight times longer with significantly reduced slag accumulation. Cutting 1/4" and thicker material, particularly with oxygen assist gas, will likely reduce slat life. We are able to produce replacement laser grating for nearly all manufacturers of laser cutting machinery. Small quantities of copper slats can be purchased to evaluate the real benefit in your shop.
NEW USERS: Evaluate a small quantity of slats first to confirm performance before ordering full quantities.
Traditional steel grates or slats wear quickly and need to be replaced often. Slats made from copper typically last six to eight times longer with significantly reduced slag accumulation. Cutting 1/4" and thicker material, particularly with oxygen assist gas, will likely reduce slat life. We are able to produce replacement laser grating for nearly all manufacturers of laser cutting machinery. Small quantities of copper slats can be purchased to evaluate the real benefit in your shop.
Slag build-up on slats reduces laser machine productivity. It creates an uneven work surface which affects cut accuracy and the increased surface area under the part causes more marks on the bottom of the cut part. Slag can also interfere with the automation forks which pick up finished parts. Learn about how to limit slag accumulation.
Solid copper slats are clearly superior to steel slats. Below are some of the benefits of copper.
Typically, copper slats last 6 to 8 times longer than steel slats. Life can be reduced by cutting .250” and thicker material, cutting with oxygen, or incorrect machine parameters.
Don’t waste time cutting steel slats to replace your used slats while you could be cutting parts for profit.
Bottom splatter and welding of product is reduced leading to improved surface quality on the bottom of parts.
Accumulating slag can cause an uneven work surface that allows the plate to move during cutting creating inaccuracy.
With lass slag build up the reduction of machine maintenance is realized. Automation forks less likely to collide with slag. Learn more about Slag and Dross Prevention.
The use of Copper slats will reduce carbon contamination on your parts.
"I ordered 5 of these slats back in November and I have been very pleased with the results. I would like to order 65 more slats."
- Brandon, Fabrication Manager